Benefits of Qwan Ki Do
- Benefits
- Children
- Women
- Seniors
- Self-defense
- Self Discipline
- Physical Fitness
- Stress Relief
- Awareness
- Confidence
- Mental Development
- Co-ordination
- Increased Concentration
- Street Proofing

In classes tailored to each student's age and Kung Fu ability, boys and girls develop self-defense and awareness skills.
Children learn to say "NO" to drugs and other negative influences and say "YES" to developing positive values, achieving good grades and maintaining healthy relationships with friends, family and their community.

Essence of Training for Fitness and Self Defense - Qwan Ki Do improves the cardiovascular systems, increases strength and muscle tone, while developing balance and co-ordination. The combative skills developed make and excellent form of self-defense training.
Improve : | Increase : | Develop : |
Co-ordination | Weight Loss | Confidence |
Strength | Lean Body Mass | Awareness |
Speed | Muscle Tone | Inner Strength |
Endurance | Agility | Flexibility |
Because of QWAN KI DOs variety of techniques, it is also suitable for senior citizens. Chronological age is a poor indicator when evaluating human aging. Normal criteria vary from one person to another, such as posture, skin and body changes, mental, physiological disposition.
As for the criteria for judging a persons psycho-intellectual capacity, this can begin changing in the thirties. Therefore there is no point of reference one can use to make a judgement. Many individuals, middle-aged or older have achieved greatness. Have well-known martial arts experts not attained renown at advanced ages? Is wisdom not usually symbolized by an elder?
QWAN KI DO can be practised by anyone at any age. Only the focus and the intensity of training should vary. In senior citizens, tendons become more fragile and the cardio-respiratory system changes. Thus training rhythms will be moderate and redirected to acquiring endurance. Techniques of achieving suppleness in the pure sense of the word will be favored, such as soft or psycho-corporal "Tam The" gymnastics for preparation and calmness. One should also study in depth forms and techniques requiring breathing control associated with moves already learned.
All jumps, acrobatic and violent techniques are forbidden. It is also up to the individual to moderate his efforts and be aware of his limitations. He should be allowed to direct his own progress during training.

TU VE consists of conventional techniques for weakening or disabling an assailant.
Intensive training is required to learn the specific technique for each type of attack.
Controlling an attack, using the appropriate procedure, is not the only requirement. One must not only use one's physical and technical capabilities and faultless knowledge of self-defense techniques, but also one's mental faculties. The attacker could be a dangerous adversary, ready for anything. One's ultimate decision to use all of one's knowledge must be instantaneous. Any vacillation, hesitancy, or restraint could put one's safety in jeopardy.
One must not consider self-defense as trickery, a plot or a ruse used to surprise an attacker. On the contrary, one must never underestimate an assailant. Even if a technique has been well-learned, in any attack, the adversary could react in a variety of ways and change his tactics, causing the technique to fail. It is at that point that intensive training and a complete knowledge of self-defense techniques determines ones victory over the assailant.
Therefore, thorough knowledge of the principles of QWAN KI DO is of the first order. It is unrealistic to use self-defense techniques without knowing how to correctly apply all the techniques for hands, feet, dodging or moves.
In reality, TU VE consists of several essential elements: self-defense techniques and physical training. But foremost are the fundamental techniques which one must know and practice with diligence and perseverance.